Hota in Minnesota with Cambria

Hota Design Studio was selected along with a few other designers from around the country and Canada to participate in Cambria’s first ever “Style Makers” event June 25-27.  We were proud to be the only design studio selected from Florida to attend this event.  Cambria was a gracious host to us all; touring us through their facility plants and educating us on their product, even taking us to their suite at Target Field to watch a Twins – White Socks game (Twins won 4-1).  It was great to see what was happening in the Midwest and to know that this family owned, family operated, made in the USA company was out there.  Seeing the passion and drive that the founders and employees have for their company by hosting an event like this made us more aware of what they have to offer and more educated on why we would want to specify their product.  Thank you Cambria!  We had a great time!

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